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Usage Alerts and Home Energy Reports

Seasonal Usage Alerts

If you have received a Seasonal Usage Alert email, you have been randomly selected to take part in our new takeCHARGE program. Newfoundland Power is providing Seasonal Usage Alerts and Home Energy Reports to select customers based on their energy usage.

If you've been selected for this program but are not yet receiving usage alerts, you can provide us with an email address to start receiving them. Please note you will only receive an email alert if we predict that weather could have a measurable impact on your next bill. Seasonal Usage Alerts will be sent mid-billing cycle. They will link to tips to help you save energy before you receive your next bill. Please note that as Seasonal Usage Alerts are based on a predictive weather based model, the estimate will not match your actual bill exactly. The purpose of the alert is to let customers know that based on past and forecasted weather trends, an increase in electricity usage is likely and to provide useful tips on how to potentially reduce your consumption going forward.

To learn more about this program, please visit or view our FAQs.

Home Energy Reports

Home Energy Reports give you insight into your home’s electricity use. The reports will help you understand changes in your electricity usage over time, as well as how you compare to similar homes in your area. The reports also include practical tips on how to save energy moving forward.To learn more about this program please visit or view our FAQs.
