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Educating Kids

Educating Kids


e-SMARTkids uses information, experiments, games and activities to teach students the principles and practices of electrical safety. Their website is geared toward a range of interests and reading levels, and can be used by students in elementary and middle school. Non-readers will be able to play the games with adult assistance.

Visit e-SMARTkids Site

Hazard Hamlet

The Hazard Hamlet Safety Program is designed to bring electrical safety information to children and members of the community. Our employees and retirees visit schools and community groups across the island, teaching them about electrical safety. Using the highly effective “Hazard Hamlet” demonstration kit, we demonstrate the electrical hazards that can be found in and around your home and neighborhood in an engaging, interactive way. This program is most suitable for students in grades five and six, and is available to schools in Newfoundland Power’s operating areas throughout the province.

For more information about our electrical safety programs, please contact us at 1-800-663-2802.


Electrical safety is our number one priority at Newfoundland Power. Nowhere is this more important than when it comes to our children. Children do not always know what can be dangerous so it is important to teach them about using electricity responsibly. This includes around the house as well as the dangers of playing outside around electrical equipment.

Tell your children never to climb electrical poles or enter substation yards. Fences around electric substations are there for a good reason: to keep people away from possible danger. Attempting to enter a substation yard, climbing a substation fence or damaging the electrical equipment contained within the yard are dangerous activities that can result in serious injury or death.

Don’t build a tree house in trees near power lines, and be careful not to allow kids to climb trees growing near power lines. Teach them to tell an adult if their kite becomes tangled in a power line or if they discover damaged or downed lines in the area. Don't allow children to climb high snow banks or build snow forts that are close to power lines. Never attempt to remove an object that is in contact with, or in close proximity to, a power line. Always call Newfoundland Power for assistance.
