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Net Metering Service Option

The Net Metering Service Option provides interested customers with the option to generate electricity from small-scale renewable sources, up to 100 kilowatts (kW), to offset their own use, while maintaining a secure connection to the grid for times when they need to purchase electricity. Net metering programs facilitate the safe interconnection of customer-owned generating resources to utility-owned networks. A bi-directional meter is installed to measure the additional electricity a customer requires from the electricity grid, as well as any excess generation that may be supplied back to the grid.

Image outlining how customer owned renewable generation powers a home and can be fed to the Provincial Electricity Grid.


We’re here to help facilitate the process of getting you safely connected to the grid. There are 8 important steps to the interconnection process.

  1. Visit an installer/supplier
    Getting informed by understanding your options should be your first step. Visit a qualified supplier or installer who will be able to provide you information on the systems that are available and appropriate for you. This is not the time to buy!
  2. Submit Application Form
    Download the Net Metering Interconnection Application Form, complete all the required information and send to There is a lot of technical information required. Most of this information you will be able to obtain from the supplier/installer visit, if not we can help guide you through the application process.
  3. Newfoundland Power Review
    After receiving your completed application, we will develop specific interconnection requirements and cost estimates for your project. These include any required changes or upgrades to the system and any changes to metering equipment.
  4. Project Approval
    Once you have reviewed and accepted the interconnection requirements as well as paid any identified cost, your application will be considered approved and the required construction work can be scheduled.
  5. Permits
    Your electrician/installer must then obtain an electrical permit for the installation of your generating facility.
  6. Interconnection Agreement
    Following the installation of the generating equipment, you will be required to enter into an Interconnection Agreement with Newfoundland Power.
  7. Connection to the Grid
    Once the Agreement is signed and electrical inspections are passed, we will advise you in writing that interconnection with the grid can proceed.
  8. Testing Your System
    The final step is energizing and testing your system. We may require that a representative of Newfoundland Power be present during this process.

We recognize that some of the information related to Net Metering is very technical in nature. However, these requirements are needed to ensure safe interconnection to the provincial electricity system and the reliability of delivery for all customers.

Here are some additional FAQs to help you better understand our Net Metering Service Option.
